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TRACT Release Increases Convenience and Security with Single Sign-On

Transverse LLC deepens SaaS cloud integration and security with its June 2011 enhancements to TRACT™—the comprehensive, real-time subscription and usage-based rating and billing solution in a SaaS model. With the adoption of SAML-based Single-Sign-On (SSO), Transverse further strengthens its Dynamic Revenue Management and subscription billing capabilities. TRACT users will now be able to connect to what can potentially be thousands of SaaS offerings without the headaches of multiple log-ons and passwords.

Because of the OASIS-defined SAML protocol and external identity and access management components, TRACT users can securely connect cloud-based applications and exchange identity information with less cost and time: “For enterprises increasingly using a multitude of on-demand applications in SaaS environments, access to centralized identity management will fuel a positive cloud user experience, as they can eliminate multiple log-ins for each application and extend federated security between applications and through the cloud,” said Stephan Pahlke, vice president, product solutions at Transverse. “The addition of SAML means users can seamlessly access third-party applications and share credentials within a few mouse clicks.”...

Read the complete announcement. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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