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Welcome to SAML
This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the SAML OASIS Standard. SAML provides an XML-based framework for creating and exchanging security information between online partners. This is a community-driven site, and the public is encouraged to contribute content.
what is the difference between 2 response
Hello Olav,
I am using simplesamlphp for SSO ervice. and I am using below SAML Response which I get from Identity provider.
'<samlp:Response xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmln s......'
And its working fine.
Now my client is giving me below mentioned response
'<Response Destination="https:.......' and when I read this response then its not reading properly.
Cau you please let me know how to handle it..what is the difference in it.
how to redirect to my partner page
I am using simplesamlphp to authenticate users.So my problem is that when any of the validation fails then it gives me exceptoin on a black page of simplesamlphp api. so instead of showing that I want to redirect it to my own page with failure. how to achive that?
kindly help.
how to read attributes from saml response using simplesamlphp
Hello Olva,
Please help me to understand to retrive the attributes of a saml2.0 response..I have written below code..
$assertion = new SAML2_Assertion($xmlNode);
$attributes = $assertion->getAttributes();
I am passing whole sml in $xmlNode..but its returning expection.
how to receive saml request and validate certificate
I have installed simplesamlphp API and now my question is how to receive SAMLResponse from identity provider and how to parse
that xml response to extract attribute information.
Also ,how to validate the certificate which IDP is sending in their response.
kindly help.
Need to implement Single Sign On
Hi All,
We have our application Hosted on Weblogic server and we want to implement single sign on. But We dont want to use Weblogic provided SAML services.
My question is What are the commercial or open source software packages available for this and which one to go for?