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How to use SAML with REST Web Services

OASIS Web Services Security describes how to use SAML with SOAP web services. The signed SAML Assertion should be added to the SOAP header... and so on. However, there is no specification that describes how to add SAML to REST web services. The reason that there is no such specification is simple: REST is not a standard, but it's an architectural style. So it's impossible to define standard that is not based on standard.

And still we would like to support SAML for our REST web services. Why? The same reason we support SAML for SOAP web services: it's a standard, it's convenient, many frameworks start to support it and so on.

The solution is quite simple. Since REST web services are based on HTTP protocol we can use the HTTP Redirect Binding (see SAML Bindings, 3.4) to send the Unsolicited Responses (see SAML Profiles, 4.1.5). Since there is no problem to add the necessary query parameters to any HTTP method, the HTTP Redirect Binding with Unsolicited Responses covers the same scenario we have with SOAP without defining the additional standards.

The only concern I have about this solution is the url length. Theoretically the url length is infinite, but of cause it cannot be supported. Each vendor limits the url length in its way and if the SAML Response will be very long, it may cause the url to be truncated. Which will cause failure to parse or validate the SAML Response.

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