The SAML web site is not longer accepting new posts. Information on this page is preserved for legacy purposes only. For current information on SAML, please see the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee Wiki.

Welcome to SAML

This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the SAML OASIS Standard. SAML provides an XML-based framework for creating and exchanging security information between online partners. This is a community-driven site, and the public is encouraged to contribute content.

Forbis Issues New FORPOSTBranch Automation 3.0.5

FORPOST*Branch Automation (FBA) 3.0.5 is a new release of hardware and software platform, which creates all the conditions for organising efficient sales of banking services to customers.

FBA 3.0.5 is a product, which saves bank expenses and does not require highly qualified specialists. It may function autonomously regarding the banking information system, allows to easily and quickly expand the existing network, and ensures uninterrupted customer servicing regardless of geographical location, language, time, or specifics of banking services.

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Lighthouse Introduces SaaS-Based Managed Enterprise Security Solution

Lighthouse Security Group introduced Lighthouse Gateway, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based platform that provides corporate identity and access management in a compliant, cost-effective, open solution. Based on IBM’s Tivoli identity and access management software, Lighthouse Gateway implements Web-based SaaS technologies, eliminating the risk and expenses associated with purchasing, deploying and maintaining an in-house security infrastructure.

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Using SAML between Portal, ESB and backend systems of record

I am new to SAML.

We have a portal where users are authenticated. We have to pass users credentials using SAML to the ESB layer which inturn passes it to our backend systems like SAP, Siebel etc. 

These systems would authenticate the user based on their credentials and the SAML token and return the requested data back to the ESB which passes it onto the portal for presentation. 

Can anyone give me an idea on how to get started on this? 

Portal is Oracle Weblogic, ESB is Progress Sonic in our case.


Generating SAML 1.1 Response in .net

I am a .net developer working on SAML 1.1 for SSO and I have found that I could generate SAML Assertion using the SamlAssertion class in System.IdentityModel.Tokens. But was unable to find a class/object for generating SAML Response.

I mean this class generates SAML Assertion but not the response(<samlp:response>). Is there a class which can generate the saml response,can any of you help me in figuring out this issue as our application needs a saml response to authenticate the user with the saml assertion.

Thanks in Advance.


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New Year’s Resolution: Let’s Talk More about SPML

Mark Diodati writes...Jackson Shaw and James McGovern have been blogging recently about one of my favorite topics: Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML).  I’d like to contribute to the discussion.  You can find Jackson’s blog entry from December 20 here, and James McGovern’s blog entry from January 5 here.

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