An "OASIS SAML and XACML Presentation" has been prepared by Anil Saldhana (Leader, JBoss Security and Identity Management, Red Hat Inc): "I am going to be making a presentation on OASIS SAML and XACML at the ExpeditionWorkshop (Exploring Identity Management Landscape) at NIST." This NIST workshop "will build on the implications of Preparedness as a dimension of the National Response Framework, for Identity Management (persons and objects) within a global context, and facilitate engagement by multiple communities advancing emergent national readiness including: identity management, enterprise architecture, disaster preparedness and response, cyber-security, ontology, modeling and simulation, and international digital standards.
The workshop is responsive to expressed interest from Federal representatives to better appreciate identity management potentials and realities in light of ongoing research, standards development, and on-going national and global implementation strategies. This includes national and international groups working to develop standards across domains, such as Shibboleth, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0), OpenID, Privacy, and authorization management.
This broad and comprehensive context for shared understanding is of keen interest to the Coordinating Groups of the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) including: Large Scale Networking, High Confidence Software and Systems, Human-Computer Interaction and Information Management, FASTER, Cyber-Security Information Assurance, and Social-Economic and Workforce Implications of IT. Saldhana's The 31-slide presentation covers Definitions; Authentication/Authorization Use Cases; Introduction to SAML V2.0; Introduction to XACML v2.0; References. OASIS SAML v2 is a specification that deals with Federated Identity and OASIS XACML v2 is a specification that deals with access control.
Sounds good: when is this NIST conference?
Security Architect