The SAML web site is not longer accepting new posts. Information on this page is preserved for legacy purposes only. For current information on SAML, please see the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee Wiki.

Using SAML

Can i create a session in SP from IDP?

I have an arquitecture with two SPs and an unique IDP. My question is if SAML provides some way to create a session in an SP from IDP when the other SP creates an session. Sorry for my english, if some part doesn't understand correctly i try to explain me better.

SP certificate - per app or per app-instance

Hi all,

I have a SAML SP app implemented with simpleSamlPHP (

the application can be used by multiple independent organizations (think of a CMS as example).

in order to be able to support some Shibboleth IdPs requirements I have to have my application encrypt its SAML assertions, so I need to work with certificate and provide the IdP with my certificate.


my question is:

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SAML implementation in Delphi

Hi All,

I need to implement SAML in Client-Server Delphi application. I have goggled a lot but failed to find any Delpi component to implement SAML in Delphi(However their are many component for SAML implementation in .Net)

Can we implement SAML in Delphi or not.if yes then please help me. 





Hi ,

I want to single sign on using SAML in with c#

I am new in SAML i don't know how to implement .Please help me 

Thanks & Regards

Subhash Sharma

Response Issuer different from Assertion Issuer

I am working with an IDP and receiving messages that contain different issuer values in the response and contained assertion.  Is this valid?  If not can someone point me at a location in the spec which states this please.

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